Surprised by . . . Good News!

Dear Friends

There hasn't been a lot of good news recently . . . The bad news seems to roll in like waves at sea. So it is so refreshing to be surprised by  good news. And so I want share some with you!

This week I stumbled on this news article . . . that a solid bi-partisan effort in the US Congress passed a bill which will fund  grassroots peace efforts between Israelis an Palestinians!  


Among other things, this legislation  will fund positive encounters between Israelis and Palestinians, as well as fund Palestinian business initiatives.  

I am proud of our congress for funding this.  Because of  strong bi-partisan support, I'm hoping it will be passed by the Senate.  This  is such a positive example that governments  can join together across sectarian lines to make a stand for peace.  

This is the thrust of our work in Bethlehem - to make peace a viable idea on both the personal, community, and national levels.  

Hope this brightens your day a bit!

With love always,

Andrew & Karen


New Shoes . . . and Hope!